Today was sadly my last day in Tokyo and of course beautiful Japan. I felt sad to think I would be leaving in the early hours of the following morning. But, with no time to waste, I set off for my final trip of the holiday to the Shibuya Sky – you probably wouldn’t believe that I am actually scared of heights after all these high-rise structures I’ve visited!
The Shibuya Sky is 230 metres above the ground and offers 360-degree open-air views across the city via an observation deck on the roof of the Shibuya Scramble Square skyscraper. This is a great viewing spot at any time of the day with full length glass windows all around so as not to obstruct any of the views. This was a wonderful way to spend my last day in Japan. There are comfortable sofas and a café and bar up here, too, so I spent some time just relaxing and enjoying the scenery – a must for your Tokyo itinerary.
After leaving The Shibuya Sky, I visited an authentic little sushi bar where you sit in booths and order your food on an iPad. The food then arrives along a conveyer that passes in front of you – a great experience.
I finished my day off by doing some last-minute souvenir shopping where I purchased one or two authentic Japanese gifts and several sets of chopsticks – well, you just must take some chopsticks home with you after a trip to Japan!
I absolutely loved my time in Japan - such an amazing culture with lovely polite people. Everywhere I went to was clean and well organised. Writing my blog has enabled me to relive my amazing trip, but it has, however, made me miss my trip even more. So, I’ll bid you farewell until my next trip…
Sayonara and arigato!